Stephan Roth, born on May 15, 1968, is a passionate coach, consultant, and trainer for Systems and Software Engineering with German consultancy company oose eG located in Hamburg. Before he joined oose, Stephan worked for many years as a software developer, software architect, and systems engineer in the field of radio reconnaissance and communication intelligence (COMINT) systems. He has developed sophisticated applications, especially for distributed systems with ambitious performance requirements, and graphical user interfaces using C++ and other programming languages.
Stephan is also a speaker at professional conferences and author of several publications. As a member of the Gesellschaft für Systems Engineering e.V., the German chapter of the international Systems Engineering organization INCOSE, he is also engaged in the Systems Engineering community.
Stephan lives with his family in Bad Schwartau, a town near Lübeck (northern Germany), about 10 km from the Baltic Sea coast.